The Link Between Anxiety and Heart Palpitations

Award-Winning Staten Island Cardiologists

Anxiety and heart palpations go hand-in-hand, and our providers, who are licensed, skilled, and board-certified cardiologists directing Cardiovascular Associates of Staten Island, NY, are here to explain how anxiety can create dangerous heart palpations. Our doctors treat patients daily for various heart-related problems.

What is the Link Between Anxiety and Heart Palpations?

Defining Heart Palpations: a feeling that your heart is skipping beats or adding extra beats.

Anxiety is stressful, and stress is a form of anxiety that is caused by excessive worry and fear.

Anxiety and stress can relate strongly to a panicky feeling or a panic attack. When you are excessively fearful, this is going to cause your heart to race and flutter. This feeling is uncomfortable and can undoubtedly cause heart flutters and an irregular pattern.

Cardiovascular Associates of Staten Island, NY, explains that while heart irregularities occur due to the following situations, anxiety, and stress are at the top of the list of reasons for heart palpations.

  • Heart Disease
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • An illness with fever
  • Low blood sugar
  • dehydration
  • Anemia
  • Hyperthyroidism

You may experience heart fluttering several times a day without any known stress or anxiety. These heart flutters may be caused by any underlying diagnosis, as listed above. Heart palpations can be short-term or chronic, as found in heart disease. You may need a cardiology examination and testing to determine the best possible treatment for this heart condition.

Or, you may find yourself in a stressful situation, causing anxiety and heart palpitations; thus, situational anxiety causes heart irregularities. Once the situation is removed, you notice a decrease or elimination in heart irregularities.

Our doctors must ask you questions about the following to determine the cause: 

  • What are your symptoms?
  • When did palpitations first start?
  • How often do you notice them?
  • How long do they last?
  • What were you doing?
  • Do you have shortness of breath?
  • Do you have chest pain?

Our doctor may ask you to keep a log of this information between your cardiological visits. We need to review your medical history, do a physical examination, listen for a heart murmur/irregularities, and uncover any underlying causes.

Heart fluttering can be scary and make you feel uneasy, but it is essentially non-life threatening and harmless. However, our doctor must look at a possible treatment.

Seeking Quality Cardiologists in New York?

If you are searching for a top-ranking cardiologist to answer questions about palpations, call Cardiovascular Associates of Staten Island, NY, at (718) 667-0077 and schedule your appointment. Our providers are ready to answer all your questions and help you become heart-healthy.

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