The Importance of Seeing a Cardiologist

Our cardiac doctors believe everyone should have a complete cardiology exam at least once as an adult. This first-time exam sets the boundaries and foundation for your unique heart health.

The cardiologists at Cardiovascular Associates of Staten Island in Staten Island, NY, want you to ensure your heart is healthy with no impending heart disease or issues.

A cardiac exam can uncover possible heart issues, such as the listed possibilities before you allow them to occur. These health problems can have few, if any, signs or symptoms and can go unnoticed until you have severe symptoms arise.

  • Hypertension - high blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Heart Failure
  • Kidney Failure
  • Heart Valve Regurgitation - the leaking of blood from the heart back into the artery)
  • A-Fib (irregular heart pattern)
  • Atherosclerosis (cholesterol or plaque buildup in the artery)
  • Heart Attack
  • Cardiomyopathy (diseased heart muscle - challenging for the heart to pump blood to vital organs)  
  • Angina ( frequent mid-sternum chest pain)

Is Your Goal to Be Heart Healthy?

The cardiologists at Cardiovascular Associates of Staten Island in Staten Island, NY, have a goal for their patients. They want to give all patients a clean bill of cardiac health.

Their wish is that everyone is free from cardiac complications. But unfortunately, many individuals will fall victim to one or more of the above heart conditions and have never visited a cardiologist.

If each person took their cardiac health seriously, through an annual cardiac exam and testing recommended by our cardiologists, they could eliminate any risk of developing one or more of the listed cardiac health issues.

Our cardiologists in Staten Island and surrounding areas work hard to reduce the risks of individuals suspected of cardiac issues through early testing. But unfortunately, our doctors can do this only if you call them at (718) 667-0077 for your appointment today.

Come and let's talk. We will gather your medical and family history, create a specific cardiac plan for you, and recommend particular tests to rule out impending cardiac problems before they can start. We want to give you a clean bill of health for your heart.

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9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm



